What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when an individual is affected by illness or disability.  It can also help maximize performance.

There are various treatment modalities that can be used:

  • Exercise therapy: using rehabilitation exercises tailored to you and/or your animal. These aim to improve range of movement, strength, muscular control; thereby reducing pain and improving performance.
  • Electrotherapy: I have access to the following modalities:
    • Laser: I have a Class IV laser that can be effective at optimising wound healing and reducing pain and inflammation.
    • Pulsed Electromagnetic Energy (PEME): this helps to reduce pain and inflammation.
    • Neuro Muscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES): this is a muscle stimulation device that applies customised electrical stimulus to a specific muscle or muscle group to cause contraction. I will select a suitable frequency, application time and application location in order to facilitate the action of the muscle.

For orthopaedic problems, NMES is useful for reducing muscle atrophy, restoring joint mobility and pain reduction. NMES is also effective in the process of post-operative rehabilitation when trying to increase proprioception and neuromuscular activity.

  • Soft tissue therapy: I have many years experience using soft tissue therapy, from working as an assistant in the NHS from 2005 and throughout my physiotherapy career. I may apply a heat pack to the area first to warm up the tissues.  Depending on need, I can use a combination of therapies: Swedish massage techniques, acupressure and myofascial release.  I also uses Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage (IASTM) which are metal tools to aid myofascial release.  Whilst looking a bit scary they are very effective at assisting me to relieve tension.
  • Acupuncture (Humans only!): acupuncture has existed for many years, and has been adapted into western medicine. I use a Western Medical approach and as such treats predominantly musculoskeletal problems such as arthritis pain, but it can also be very effective at relieving headaches and migraines.